The Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) Event Services Office (ESO) provides consolidated, top-tier event services for the Weill Cornell Medical College community. Pooling the expertise of AudioVisual (AV), Information Technologies & Services (ITS), Griffis Faculty Club, facility and maintenance staff members, the ESO serves as the one-stop shop for planning and holding events in WCM spaces.
Event Planning and Scheduling
Utilizing a specially developed scheduling system, we work with you to find a conference or meeting space that meets your capacity and timing needs. We also coordinate with external participants and schedule all necessary pre-testing.
Coordination of Services
Based on your initial requirements, the ESO will provide all necessary follow-ups for your event, including scheduling of catering services and any additional furniture setup.
On-Site Staffing
Our friendly, professional technicians and staff members are available to assist with your event from start to finish.
AV Equipment Procurement
To assist departments and divisions with purchasing stand-alone equipment, including projectors or desktop videoconferencing systems, the ESO provides model recommendations and helps expedite orders via the ITS Technology Sales Group.
Other Professional Services
The ESO also provides video postproduction, editing, conversion and transcoding services on a consultation basis. Standard hourly fees apply. Request Professional Service
Bar and Alcohol Services
Are you requesting alcohol service for an on/off campus event not catered by Griffis Faculty Club? If so, please complete the applicable alcohol service request form.
Alcohol Service Request on-campus.pdfAlcohol Service Request off-campus.pdf